Ohio 4-H Horse Program
All Ohio 4-H Program materials are available online at http://horse.osu.edu.
Preble County 4-H Horse Project Information
Preble County 4-H Horse Project Requirements
Preble County 4-H Horse Project Supplement Sheet - For use with projects #174 and #177.
Preble County 4-H Horse Project Book Rubric
Preble County 4-H Horse Member Packet
Horse Program Requirements - Please follow this link for an updated informational guide to the Horse Program Requirements!
Horse Program Power Point Update
4-H Horse Advisors' Committee
All 4-H advisors with members taking horse projects are encouraged to attend these meetings. This active group provides clinics and fun shows, generates funds to support 4-H Horse members, and provides support for the Preble County 4-H Horse program. Their efforts are greatly appreciated!
2023 Officers
Eugene Rader | President |
Charlie Garnett | Vice President |
Ashley Garnett | Secretary |
Carolyn Geise | Treasurer |
Horse Advisors' Committee Meeting Schedule
Meetings are typically held in the Bullen Equestrian Center on the Preble County Fairgrounds at 7:00 p.m.
January | February | March | April |
May | June | July | August - N/A |
September | October | November | December - N/A |
Preble County Events
Horse Shows
Preble County 4-H Horse Advisor's Open Horse Show
July 8, 2023 & July 9, 2023
Saturday, and Sunday, at the Preble County Fairgrounds. Proceeds to benefit the Preble County 4-H Horse Program. Please follow this link for the class listings and showbill.
Performance Against Standards
State Fair Qualifying Event
Preble County PAS Show
Bullen Equestrian Center Preble County Fairgrounds
June 24, 2023 and June 25, 2023
Additional information about Ohio 4-H PAS Qualifying Scores, Ohio PAS Score Sheets and Ohio PAS Out of County Form are available on the state site.
Horse Safety & Ethics Program
EquiSTEP is Ohio 4-H's Equine Safety, Training and Education Program. EquiSTEP is an annual requirement for all Ohio youth enrolled in a horse project.
This training is a requirement to show and participate in the 4-H equine program. Failure to complete the training will result in the member’s ineligibility to participate in any 4-H equine events. This applies to all horse, mule, donkey and miniature horse projects.
Equine Possession Date
May 1 is the possession date for all equine animals.
Horse Program Requirements - Please follow this link for an updated informational guide to the Horse Program Requirements!
Guidelines for those leasing an animal
Lease Guidelines
Mandatory Helmet Use Policy
All youth 19 years and under, participating in any 4-H equestrian activity, are required to wear properly fitted protective headgear which meets or exceeds current ASTM (American Society for Testing and Materials)/SEI (Safety Equipment Institute) standards with the chin harness securely fastened at all times while riding or driving an equine.
It is the responsibility of the rider, or the parent or guardian of the youth participant, to make sure that the headgear worn complies with appropriate safety standards for protective headgear intended for equestrian use, and is properly fitted and in good condition. The Ohio 4-H Horse Program, Show Committees, Officials, Extension Personnel and Volunteer Leaders are not responsible for checking headgear worn for such compliance.
The Ohio 4-H Horse Program, Show Committees, Officials, Extension Personnel and Volunteer Leaders make no representation or warranty, expressed or implied, about any protective headgear, and cautions riders that death or serious injury may result despite wearing such headgear, as no helmet can protect against all foreseeable injuries in equestrian activities.
The Ohio 4-H Horse Program, Show Committees, Officials, Judges, Extension Personnel and Volunteer Leaders may, at his/her discretion, check a participant’s protective headgear for proper standards. If the youth is found to be wearing unapproved, defective, or improperly fitted headgear, he/she will not be permitted to participate in riding or driving activities until proper headgear is acquired.
Fair Stall Assignments
Below are the stall assignments for the Fair as released by the fairgrounds.
Fair Stall Assignments
Groom and Clean
Groom and Clean Entry Form